I extend the concentration of My Light to those who are demonstratingMy Laws. O man, in living My life, in breathing My breath, establishwithin yourself the solidarity, the contentment, the bliss of livingrightly; that I may know, that I may feel the glorious pulsation of theBeing of you. In speaking My words, let them ring clear, let them bedear and near to you that others may understand. Realize, I am not theexpression of self; I am only the boundless unselfish utterances of theheart and the Soul that sees Me in others. None can bring about theworkings of My Laws, unless first they have established their rightwithin My Light. Reach not for golden prizes of desire, for they shallreflect the Light. Look not into the mirrors of space, for eyes thatsee are blind to Me. And though the prize be golden, My light does notreflect. Express the Being of Me in life, extend Me in the action thatI may feel the thrill of doing for another whose need is great, that Imay know success in manifesting you to bring about the Me in others,that their eyes may see through thee to Me-not reflection, notillusion, but the purity, the reality I have instilled within the youof Me.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and theearth." (Gen. 1:1). This creation was a part of the continuouslyevolving creation throughout the universe. Each instant that passes newthings are being made, new phases of life unfold, to live in everprogressing cycles of rebirth. As related above God made heaven beforeEarth. In these heavens of the sky He had already created Man. On manyplanets in many other solar systems, and on other planets in this solarsystem, Man was developed through thousands of years, even before theEarth was habitable. Man was created (Gen. 1:27), he did not evolvefrom the lower animals. However, he was not created on the Earth. Manwas created throughout millions of solar systems; to serve as theinstrument of God's doing. Anyone who contends that this planet is theonly one occupied by intelligent life forms, does not accept God in Hisinfinite completeness. His narrow mind has placed a limit on Hisability to perform His creations. Adam was not a single man. The Adamicrace of Man was the first people to inhabit the Earth. This isconfirmed in Gen. 1: 27 where the race of Man, in the originalcreation, is described as "male and female". In Gen. 1: 28 thescripture relates how "God blessed them". This is plural, not him, butthem. And God said unto them (the Adamic race, both male and female)"be fruitful, and multiply". This all happens before Eve is evermentioned. Thus the Adamic race is established on Earth. Then Godfinished His work of creation in regard to Man. He had also finishedthe creation of the heavens and the Earth (Gen. 2: 1) and all the hostof them. This means all the beings who occupied the Earth and theheavens. So God "ended His work" and rested. (Gen. 2:2,3). Can this bethat God ended His work, and still no mention of Eve? Yes, the Bible isaccurate on God's beginning of His creations. Then comes the summary ofthe creation. This is where people are led into confusion. For thefirst time God is left out of the picture and we have a "Lord God"(Heb.-Jehovah Elohim). This character was one of the Adamic race whowas in the colony that had been landed here by spacecraft. The men ofthe Adamic race did not bring their women with them when they firstlanded on Earth. The Lord God brings Eve into the picture, not theCreator. The Lord God said that the Adamic men were lonesome. (Gen.2:18). Then the Lord God pops Eve out of a rib after one of theirpeople fell into a deep sleep. (Gen. 2:21,22). God brings about thecreation of people through birth everywhere in the universe, not bymaking women out of men's ribs. The race of Eve was the highest form of